Every groom and bride want to look their absolute best in their wedding attires on their special day. And they have all the rights to look the best, after all, it is their day. All these efforts don’t go vague as the look they carry is vital for their wedding pictures. Wedding day comes to an end and the wedding wishes messages start fading away, but it’s the photographs which keep the wedding day alive. You might go through numerous portfolios and may choose the most expensive photographer, yet it might not work for you. The poses suggested by the photographers might not make you look the best and may not appeal to you. You don’t need to worry. We have put together some helpful tips to make you look stunning in your wedding pictures!
Stay Candid
The mantra of best portraits on your wedding day is to stay candid. The more you pretend, the more cautious you get and that reflects on your photos. It’s the raw emotions and expressions that look the best when captured. Somehow, if you are not a candid photography fan then you can anyway go with the instructions given by the photographer and make it a plandid.
Know Your Best Profile
Be it left or right, everybody has a profile which works the best for them while getting clicked. You must be aware of the profile that makes you look the best and you must convey this to your photographer. The photographer can then plan the whole photo session by keeping that in mind.
Learn a few poses
Be it for the groom or the bride, getting a solo photoshoot can turn out to be a little overwhelming. So, before you jump into a situation like this, you should be already prepared. Go through the most beautiful groom/bride solo shots online and practice them. When the photographer will ask you to pose, you would be ready. Also, you can strike a few poses of your own choice which you feel you are the most comfortable in.
Be Yourself
Wedding day means all the attention is yours and amid that, when the camera is in front of you, you might freak out. You might feel all the butterflies in your stomach, but as it is your big day you got to keep these feelings at rest. Simply be yourself and don’t shy away from the camera.
Don’t Overdo It
They say, a smile makes you look even more beautiful. No matter what, the photographer will always want you to be smiling in each of your pictures. Giving a smile all the time during your wedding can make your jaw pain and you might begin to overdo your smile. Before it starts looking fake, take a small break and get back to your natural smile. If you will force the smile too much, it will reflect on the pictures. Smile naturally!!
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