Ways to Prevent Food Spoilage: A Simple Guide for Clean and Healthy Eating

Food is essential in life and serves as the fuel to keep the body running. But sometimes, food is also the reason for illnesses, and one of them is due to the unhealthy preparation, and the manner of cooking and storing food that leads to spoilage.

Food spoilage happens when a food product is no longer suitable for ingestion because it smells foul and looks rotten. There are plenty of factors which cause deterioration of food, such as bacteria, yeast, mold, light, moisture, temperature, and chemical reaction. When these elements start to form in the food or affect its state, there is no way to save it and consuming it can put your health at risk. But there are two simple rules to prevent your food from spoiling: observe and practice cleanliness in the kitchen, and only cook what you can consume. There are also other techniques to explore to ensure that every meal prepared and cooked in the kitchen is satisfying to eat.

Rinse everything

Keeping a clean kitchen means ensuring that every space and material in the area is free from dirt and impurities. One way to attain this is by rinsing kitchen stuff with clean water, from the fresh ingredients to the tools and utensils, before using them. The common contaminants that may affect the condition of the food prepared and cooked in the kitchen are soap or detergent residues, insect trails, and other impurities brought about by daily activities in the area. Through the process of rinsing, you can be sure that no food will end up as waste.

Food preservation

Another way to prevent food from being spoilt is to preserve it correctly. Food preservation is the process of applying unique methods to slow down the spoilage activity of any cooked and uncooked food. Some of the procedures used in preservation are freezing, boiling, salting, sweetening, canning and dehydrating. All these processes have a common objective – to prevent or stop the growth of bacteria in the edibles. Having these alternatives is better than letting food products rot in storage.

Dispose of kitchen waste properly

Clean-as-you-go is an essential policy in the kitchen to keep the area tidy at all times and help reduce the causes of food spoilage. This habit includes the proper disposal of kitchen scraps that require quick attention. There are two types of kitchen waste: wet items which include vegetable peels and spoiled food, and dry waste such as packaging materials. They should be sorted out to see which needs immediate disposal and which ones can wait until the next pickup schedule by Evergreen Junk Removal. In the process of decluttering, you may also recover items that are still usable in the kitchen and store them in their proper containers.

Spoilage is a regrettable situation that results in food being thrown in the trash and a waste of the money spent to buy such products. There are ways to prevent this occurrence from happening, and only then you can say that the food prepared and cooked in your kitchen is clean and healthy.